Monthly Archives: November 2007

Three days and change…

Only three days plus change remain in this 2007 NaNoWriMo. How are you doing with your novel? I’ve met the 50K goal but am still about three chapters shy of the end of my novel. Due to RL distractions, this hasn’t been the most fun of NaNo’s for me, but I’m very proud of my […]

Ottawa catching up…!

I confess that I, probably like so many others in Illinois::Naperville, wasn’t thinking very much about the regional challenge. After all, Ottawa had fallen way behind in the regionally-homed average wordcount. There was no way they would ever catch up, right? Wrong! So write fast, me hearties, arrrrgh! —NMK

Graphs, write-ins and playing catch-up!

Hello, fellow ‘wrimos! I’m Tim (aka NewMexicoKid), one of three co-Municipal Liaisons for Illinois::Naperville, our fun-filled region that represents the western suburbs of Chicago (centered in Naperville). We have our own regional song and partnerships with the Naperville Public Library and the downtown Naperville Barnes and Noble. Graphs! Our opt-in regional graph is now available: […]

Write-ins, jabber and blues

Hello, WriMos! After Thursday night’s terrific kick-off event, I have been amazed at the productivity of our region’s writers. Today I’ve been hearing of several regional members who are in the 5k-10k range (or beyond) on day 3 (where, if you are going by the minimum wordcount plan, 5001 words is par for the course). […]