Tag Archives: word wars

NaNo critters (word war prizes for the 2015 season)

Prizes for the word wars at the write-ins I host (at Nichols Library in Naperville in November) are beginning to take shape. NaNo critters, books and tiny typewriters… [shashin type=”album” id=”2″ size=”small” crop=”n” columns=”max” caption=”y” order=”date” position=”center”] Not sure yet what I will do for the 18k challenge…  

Upcoming fun at the write-ins

Recently there was a thread in the secret ML forum about making plot bunnies and the question came up: what are plot bunnies?. In the novelist sense, plot bunnies are ideas for plot changes that typically come up once you are working on your well-planned novel with its completed plot. Just like bunnies, they are […]