Category Archives: NaNoWriMo

November is National Novel Writing Month

Thank you!

That’s it–NaNoWriMo 2017 is in the books and fully over for this year. In our region, 443 novelists wrote 8,667,345 words with an 19,565 average wordcount. 134 of the 443 novelists made it to the 50,000 word mark (an amazing 30%!). For those participating in our NaNo Faces community wordcount graph, 57% completed their 50,000 […]

First preparatory workshop notes and slides are available

We’ve posted the slides and notes from our first NaNoWriMo Preparatory Workshop in this season–Anna Gabrielli’s Worldbuilding and Character, which was a fascinating blend of useful tools/perspectives on worldbuilding and small group exercises to see how to do a top-down vs. bottom-up approach. I found the workshop quite useful for learning new ways to add […]

How to come up with a novel idea

There are many, many ways people come up with ideas for their novel. Sometimes they grow organically. Sometimes inspiration strikes through a dream. And sometimes one has to help the process along. What I did this year was to think of ten to fifteen scenes from favorite books. How did each scene make me feel? […]

RSVP for the kick-off party (2016)

It’s not too early to RSVP for our October 29th, potluck lunch kick-off party at the Naperville Municipal Center, 11:45 AM-2:45 PM. Be sure to bring your stuffed animal for the group photo. There will be door prizes, games and the opportunity to socialize with writing friends. Feel free to bring family and friends along […]

2015 Thank Goodness It’s Over Party

Saturday, December 5th saw about fifty people come to celebrate the end of National Novel Writing Month. The fun began with an ice breaker created by co-Municipal Liaison Frank Dahlman, where each of five groups was given two characters, a setting, and two objects and told to create a story. [shashin type=”photo” id=”410,402,401,400,399,398,397,394″ size=”medium” columns=”max” […]

More sculpey plot critters for the final Sunday write-in at Nichols

Since I know that attendance will likely be on the lower end for the final write-in at Nichols, I’ve created a bunch of new plot critters for word war prizes. Hope you like them! [shashin type=”photo” id=”375,376,377,378,379,381,382″ size=”large” columns=”max” order=”user” position=”center”]

Woodridge and IPPL write-ins on Saturday, 2015-11-21

Here are some photos from some of Saturday’s write-ins: [shashin type=”album” id=”15″ size=”medium” crop=”n” columns=”max” caption=”y” order=”date” position=”center”]