Tag Archives: NaNoWriMo

RSVP for the kick-off party (2016)

It’s not too early to RSVP for our October 29th, potluck lunch kick-off party at the Naperville Municipal Center, 11:45 AM-2:45 PM. Be sure to bring your stuffed animal for the group photo. There will be door prizes, games and the opportunity to socialize with writing friends. Feel free to bring family and friends along […]

Story beats and genres: NaNo Prep Workshop – 2015-10-03

Anastasia Zoldak (anastasia007) gave the first of our four 2015 preparatory workshops today (2015-10-03), looking at advice for plotters and pantsers, how to use story beats and the consideration of genre. Anastasia presented the workshop since her collaborator Todd Hogan (writertodd07) was unable to make it. Twenty five enthusiastic participants, including a fair number of […]

A full slate of preparatory workshops for 2014

Every year people around the world take the plunge and become an author during the month of November. If you’ve always wanted to write a novel, or try to write a novel, then this is the year to take advantage of National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo). It is a free, annual challenge that takes […]

What to do if the NaNo servers are slow or inaccessible?

I noticed today that the NaNo servers are already experiencing delays and some flakiness–a lot of pages are timing out. What happens when hundreds of thousands of users try to simultaneously use a site like NaNoWriMo? Ideally, everything hums along smoothly. But sometimes (and this has happened each of the last few years) the first […]

Welcome to the new nanowrimo site

The new Ruby-on-Rails NaNoWriMo site is live! There are a number of nice new features, some features that need to be improved/attained/added, and a list of known issues and missing features. If you are a long-time user of the nanowrimo.org site, the missing features will be quite noticeable; please try to be patient. You can […]

What should we use for our chats?

We have used our jabber room for our online instant messaging for years; now there are new technologies available. Please help us to determine which technologies and tools we should use this fall by participating in this poll (doodle.com). When participating in the poll, use your NaNoWriMo handle. Thanks! –Tim

Preparation for NaNoWriMo (fall 2011)

Katherine has posted an article in our Naperville forum about the upcoming planned events to help folks prepare. These include: September 21, 6-8 pm, Caribou Coffee: Doing NaNoWriMo Again: Get Together to Talk October 7, 10:30 am-noon, Plano Library: NaNo Info session October 8, 1-3 pm, Nichols Library, NaNo prep session October 15, 1-3 pm, […]