Three days and change…

Only three days plus change remain in this 2007 NaNoWriMo. How are you doing with your novel? I’ve met the 50K goal but am still about three chapters shy of the end of my novel. Due to RL distractions, this hasn’t been the most fun of NaNo’s for me, but I’m very proud of my daughter books who managed to reach 50K this past Sunday at the 95th Street Library write-in (ahead of her old dad). It’s her second NaNoWriMo and her second win.

I’m also very grateful to have such a wonderful set of co-MLs: Melinda (scrtprncs) and Meredith (tinygreyhound) have been very supportive. Many thanks also go to Katherine (KatherineWriting) and Barry (FinnbarMcG) who organized and facilitated the Warrenville City Hall write-ins.

Don’t give up writing till the very end! Ottawa is only 300-some words per wrimo behind!


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