Write-ins, jabber and nanowrimo.org blues

Hello, WriMos!

After Thursday night’s terrific kick-off event, I have been amazed at the productivity of our region’s writers. Today I’ve been hearing of several regional members who are in the 5k-10k range (or beyond) on day 3 (where, if you are going by the minimum wordcount plan, 5001 words is par for the course). Unfortunately, the main nanowrimo site is down and there has been no word from Chris Baty or Russ Uman yet on when the site will return.

It is disappointing, but NaNo continues anyway. What makes NaNoWriMo work, in the end, isn’t just the online forums (though they are missed this year, with the national site’s slowness) or even the wordcount counting. What makes it work is the concept of the contest–the deadline of 50,000 words in 30 days; and the support of the community. For us in Illinois::Naperville, that community is available beyond the nanowrimo.org site in

Meredith, Melinda, Katherine (KatherineWriting, the primary host for the Warrenville City Hall write-ins) and I hope that many of you will take advantage of our local write-ins and especially of the upcoming write-ins. And we would be happy to have you post in our local forums. Just note that because of spammers, all of the local forum accounts must be approved before they are activated. So sign up for a local forum account but be patient. And if you do not yet have a jabber account, please send me a note or add your request through a comment to this post.


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