TGIO 2009

We had nearly 50 people attending this year’s fun TGIO (Thank-Goodness-It’s-Over!) party at the Naperville Municipal Center lunch room. Things mostly went very smoothly, though I forgot to give out a prize for best colored-in Dragon Map (doh! I even brought one…). David got us going with a NaNo-bingo (with custom squares and different sheets) that was a lot of fun to do; people had to get signatures from folks based on word-count (tough!), title, handle or odd fact.

The pot-luck was great–there was a lot of delicious food.

Many thanks to Katherine, Barry, and Sabrina for the beautiful double-sided, hand-crafted memory poster; and thanks as well to all who attended for signing it! I will cherish this forever:

Thanks as well to David for the insightful book “Walking with Alligators”! I know it will be invaluable to keeping inspired and on track with my writing this coming year.

Katherine provided nice purple “Winners!” (dark chocolate) bars for all of the NaNo participants; and I prepared the 3×5 awards cards (that fit neatly in the NaperWriMo hipster PDA deck). Among the door prizes given out: the final proof copy of Infinite Monkeys (our 2009 Pledge project, now on sale at, three index card books (with hand-drawn dragon covers), three signed posters and a custom-designed cover by yours truly for the lucky winner’s novel.

Here is our TGIO rendition of Typing Away Again Near Dear Ol’ Naperville (includes a link to the UK::Birmingham-West Midlands 2009 Regional Word War bet payment):

We’re still expecting a song from Belgium and Holland; hopefully it will come soon. Stay tuned…

Here are pictures from the 2009 TGIO:

2009 TGIO for Illinois::Naperville

And the signed TGIO poster:

Our year-round (well, January-September) writing group looks to have a strong start–many of those attending the TGIO expressed interest in it. More to come in the weeks to follow.

Happy holidays!

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