2012 Events

Upcoming Events

Location: see location maps Be sure to bookmark http://naperwrimo.org/events that will always point to the latest Events page ([2013 Events] page is now up)

Date Time Location Event Description Organizer
Thursdays 7:45-9:00 pm (and beyond) In our Naperville jabber chatroom Virtual get-together (most weeks) Chit-chat from 7:45-8 pm; meeting from 8-9 pm; NaNoMail NewMexicoKid if you want an account Tim Yao (NewMexicoKid) and others
9/15/2012 (Saturday) 11:45 am - 3 pm Naperville Municipal Center, Meeting room A The Journey This bring-your-own-lunch event may be to wrap up Journey activities or start preparing for NaNoWriMo Tim Yao (NewMexicoKid)
10/6/2012 (Saturday) 1-3 PM CDT Nichols Library, Naperville, Community Room (downstairs) A general workshop to prepare for NaNoWriMo (Prep session #1) What do you need to do before November to improve your chances of not only finishing NaNoWriMo, but writing a novel that will continue to interest you and others afterwards? How can you tweak your story to evoke the right emotional response in your readers? What makes novels compelling? Come share your ideas with new and experienced writers in this workshop, engage in helpful writing/planning exercises and help ensure a successful NaNoWriMo experience. Tim Yao (NewMexicoKid) has been co-Municipal Liaison of the Naperville region of NaNoWriMo since 2005; and he has successfully completed NaNoWriMo every year starting in 2003. While he has not yet explored publication of his novels, he has participated in the three short story anthologies that the region's writing group has created; and he has stories in progress in two other short story anthologies. Tim has a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois; he is a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff at Alcatel-Lucent and a member of the Alcatel-Lucent Technical Academy.
10/13/2012 (Saturday) 1-3 PM CDT 95th Street Library, Naperville, Meeting Room A Prep session #2 Pantsers need not apply. In this session the group will deconstruct the plot of a well-known popular movie, focusing on character, character development, primary and secondary story arcs and the tension that drives the story to its conclusion. The second half of the session will focus on applying what was just learned to develop a new, community inspired plot - one worthy of the full NaNoWriMo treatment. Tom Ostler will participate in his fifth NaNoWriMo this November. He credits his writing success to the support of the Naperwrimo community and the saintly patience of his family each November. He has three novels to his credit and two published short stories with the Journey writing group – none of which would exist without Nano, and the Naperville community.
10/20/2012 (Saturday) 1-3 PM CDT Nichols Library, Community Room (downstairs) Prep session #3 In this session, Roger Lubeck will discuss how to prepare for NaNoWriMo based on his experience completing eight NaNoWriMo and he will provide writers with a Preparing for NaNoWriMo Self-assessment© that identifies important writing behaviors, habits, skills, and tools useful in writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. Writers will be able to use the assessment to identify critical decisions in the writing process and to determine his/her strengths and weaknesses as a writers and novelist. Roger C. Lubeck, Ph.D. Roger is the author of a number of professional publications on customer service, leadership, management, marketing, and sales. Roger and Chris Hanson are the authors of Finding the Right Path: A Guide to Leading and Managing A Title Insurance Company (2011). Roger is the author of two novels published in 2011: To the Western Border: A Fantasy Adventure, (Book One in The Council of Magic) and Bullseye. In addition, Roger is editing an anthology by The Journey about The Day Before the End of the World and he is completing Captiva, a sequel to Bullseye. Roger has a Ph.D. degree in Experimental Psychology. In his 35-year career, he has been a business consultant, workshop leader, retreat facilitator, public speaker, speechwriter, assistant professor, researcher, parent trainer, and dogcatcher.
10/27/2012 (Saturday) 11:45 am - 3 pm Naperville Municipal Center, Meeting rooms BC Kick-off pot-luck lunch Come celebrate the start of National Novel Writing Month! Tim Yao (NewMexicoKid)
November 1 (Thursday) 3-8 pm Caribou in Naperville Write-in at Caribou (near Dominick's, 1523 North Aurora Road #107) Katherine Lato (KatherineWriting)
November 3 (Saturday) 10 am-noon Carol Stream Public Library Write-in There will be coffee, donuts and prizes! Sarah Kovacs
November 3 (Saturday) 1:30-4:30 pm Woodridge Public Library Write-in Come out for some productive yet fun writing! Catherine Brennan (Cee-Bee)
November 4 (Sunday) 1:30-4:30 pm PM CDT Nichols Library, Naperville, Community Room (downstairs) Write-in Come out! Bring your laptop and optional extension cord and power strip. You may bring snacks to share. We'll have word wars and NaNoBots prizes! Tim Yao (NewMexicoKid)
November 6 (Tuesday) 9:30 - 11:30 am Caribou in Naperville Write-in at Caribou (near Dominick's, 1523 North Aurora Road #107) Katherine Lato (KatherineWriting)
November 11 (Sunday) 1:30-4:30 PM CDT 95th Street Library, Naperville, Meeting Room A Write-in Come out! Bring your laptop and optional extension cord and power strip. You may bring snacks to share. We'll have word wars and NaNoBots prizes! Tim Yao (NewMexicoKid)
November 12 (Monday) 6-8 pm Carol Stream Public Library Write-in There will be coffee, donuts and prizes! Sarah Kovacs
November 13 (Tuesday) 9:30 - 11:30 am Caribou in Naperville Write-in at Caribou (near Dominick's, 1523 North Aurora Road #107) Katherine Lato (KatherineWriting)
November 17 (Saturday) 1:30-4:30 pm Woodridge Public Library Write-in Come out for some productive yet fun writing! Catherine Brennan (Cee-Bee)
November 18 (Sunday) 1:30-4:30 pm PM CDT Nichols Library, Naperville, Community Room (downstairs) Write-in Come out! Bring your laptop and optional extension cord and power strip. You may bring snacks to share. We'll have word wars and NaNoBots prizes! Tim Yao (NewMexicoKid)
November 20 (Tuesday) 9:30 - 11:30 am Caribou in Naperville Write-in at Caribou (near Dominick's, 1523 North Aurora Road #107) Katherine Lato (KatherineWriting)
November 25 (Sunday) 1:30-4:30 PM CDT 95th Street Library, Naperville, Meeting Room A Write-in Come out! Bring your laptop and optional extension cord and power strip. You may bring snacks to share. We'll have word wars and NaNoBots prizes! Tim Yao (NewMexicoKid)
November 27 (Tuesday) 9:30 - 11:30 am Caribou in Naperville Write-in at Caribou (near Dominick's, 1523 North Aurora Road #107) Katherine Lato (KatherineWriting)
December 8 (Saturday) 11:45 am - 3 pm Naperville Municipal Center, Meeting rooms BC TGIO pot-luck lunch Thank Goodness It's Over! Come celebrate the end of National Novel Writing Month! Tim Yao (NewMexicoKid)
January 7 (Monday) 6:30 pm Carol Stream Public Library "10 Secrets to Getting Your Book Published." A literary agent and author will present "10 Secrets to Getting Your Book Published." Sarah Kovacs

See the notes and slides from our three October prep sessions for 2011

Jabber events

Send NaNoMail to NewMexicoKid and request your jabber account to join in on the jabber chatroom write-ins.

2012 Planning

Events at the Naperville Municipal Center

  • Sept. 15 - 11:45 - 2:30 pm - Meeting Room A -- NaNoWriMo Prep Session
  • Oct. 27 - 11:45 - 3:00 pm - Lunch Room NaNoWriMo (kick-off)
  • Dec. 8 - 11:45 - 3:00 pm - Meeting Rooms BC (TGIO)

Prep sessions

Other Write-Ins

These aren't on the calendar since we're not sure that anyone from our region will be there. (Most were organized by libraries directly with HQ)

Post-NaNo Events

  • January 7 (Monday), at 6:30 pm, Carol Stream Public Library: A literary agent and author will present "10 Secrets to Getting Your Book Published."

2013 Planning

Naperville Municipal Center, 11:45 AM-3 PM

  • 1/12 - Meeting Rooms BC (Journey)
  • 2/2 - Meeting Rooms BC (Journey)
  • 3/9 - Meeting Rooms BC (Journey)
  • 4/13 - Meeting Rooms BC (Journey)
  • 5/11 - Meeting Rooms BC (Journey)
  • 6/8 - Lunchroom (Journey)
  • 9/14 - Meeting Rooms BC (Journey)
  • 10/26 - Meeting Rooms BC (Kick-off)
  • 12/7 - Meeting Rooms BC (TGIO)