Preparatory Workshops

Revision as of 20:13, 6 September 2015 by NewMexicoKid (talk | contribs)

The NaperWriMo region has delivered quite a few preparatory workshops since its inception in 2005. Here are pictures, presentations and notes from our workshops. Note that you can find event information for upcoming workshops.

2015 Workshops

Four workshops are planned for 2015: see the events calendar for logistics

  • NaNoWriMo Preparatory Workshop 2015-10-03: Story beat points and genres - Are you a planner or pantser? Don’t know! Then join us for an introductory NaNoWriMo session on story beat points, discuss genres and learn how NaNoWriMo can support your writing. Let's have some fun! Join us on our adventure as we discuss the basics and challenges of writing. Kathryn Strepp / Todd Hogan
  • NaNoWriMo Preparatory Workshop 2015-10-08 - NaNoWriMo In A Nutshell - Tim Yao and Catherine Brennan lead this preparatory workshop. The whys & hows of writing a novel in a month. Bring your laptop or notebook and pen to this highly interactive and entertaining workshop to gain a better understanding of how NaNoWriMo works and how you can succeed in writing your novel this November. There will be (small) prizes and even an example word war! Tim Yao / Catherine Brennan
  • NaNoWriMo Preparatory Workshop 2015-10-10: Visualize Your Novel - Whether you’re a plotter strategizing your battle plan or a pantser curious about investing in a Nanowrimo road map, this session will help you visualize your novel rather than writing blind. Led by Sam Brown, aka “Basil Cliffside,” you will learn how to turn your story idea into 30 bite-sized pieces so you can avoid that deer-in-the-headlights feeling every day you’re faced with an empty page Sam Brown
  • NaNoWriMo Preparatory Workshop 2015-10-17: Characterology 101: Heroes, Villains, Lovers, and Amigos - Join us for an introductory session on NaNoWriMo focusing on your Characters. A look at Characters' roles in your stories. The difference between Stereotypes, Archetypes and your own characters. Two Break-out sessions: Explore Character Development and their Motivation / Mindset Use Characters’ Conflicts and Motivations to Create Scenes Dress as your favorite Character. Prizes will be given! - Anastasia Zoldak / Todd Hogan

2014 Workshops

Four workshops are planned for 2014: see the events calendar for logistics

  • Preparatory Workshop - Tim Yao and Kaden Patrick - 2014-10-02: The Stone Soup Method for NaNoWriMo Success - will help you explore some of the essential ingredients of any successful novel: plot, narrative, setting, and a good ending.
  • Preparatory Workshop - Frank Dahlman - 2014-10-04: Genres - Tropes and Cliches - will focus on genre and the creative process. Frank Dahlman will lead this workshop and talk about key characteristics and common tropes found in the most commonly read genres, discussing what works, and identifying common clichés to avoid. After this brief discussion, participants will brainstorm a possible plot line in the genre of their choosing. This workshop is designed to fill the well of creativity in preparation for NaNoWriMo.
  • Preparatory Workshop - Todd Hogan - 2014-10-11: Fiction Improv - Todd will be leading a Fiction Improv, and discussing NaNoWriMo's goal of 50,000 words in 30 days, finding your story, overcoming challenges in telling your story, and miscellaneous ideas to succeed. Participants should bring paper, pen and/or other writing devices and a willingness to explore some personal ideas. There will be time for questions and discussion during the presentation.
  • Preparatory Workshop - Jen Moore - 2014-10-18: Surviving NaNoWriMo With Your Sanity (Mostly) Intact - In this preparatory workshop for NaNoWriMo, Jen Moore will talk about ways to prepare yourself for this epic endeavor. You’ll determine your goals, establish your support strategies, and psych yourself up for the challenge ahead. Bring all your last-minute panic - and leave it behind when the session’s over.

2013 Workshops

Four workshops are planned for 2013

2012 Workshops

2011 Workshops

2010 Workshops

2009 Workshops

2008 Workshops

Our first year doing workshops

2007 Articles

No workshops this year