Frequently asked questions


Have you ever dreamed of writing a novel?

Every year people around the world take the plunge and become an author during the month of November. If you've always wanted to write a novel, or try to write a novel, then this is the year to take advantage of Novel Quest. It is a free, annual challenge that takes place every November, where novelists strive to start, write and complete the writing project of their choice (e.g., write the first draft of their 50,000+ word novel in just 30 days or spend 50 hours of editing to get their novel to its next phase).

Our Novel Quest region of Naperville represents the cities and suburbs west of Chicago and has partnered with area libraries to offer preparatory workshops.

We also partner with many area libraries to offer write-in events in November for people to use to work on their novel while others around them are working on theirs. For more information see the Library Crawl page.

All participants and their friends and family are welcome to attend the TGIO party. Come visit for more detailed event information. Fulfill your dream of becoming a novelist.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does this cost?
A: Absolutely nothing is required to participate in Novel Quest.

Q: What do the winners get?
A: A PDF file proclaiming them winners if they manage to complete their pre-stated project goal (e.g., 50,000 words written in 30 days). Each participant can set their own goal. More importantly, winners achieve the happiness of completing their writing or editing project.

Q: Where can I find out more information about the local events?
A: Check out the 2024 Events page for detailed information about the local events.

Q: 50,000 words in 30 days seems foolhardy...
A: Actually, it turns out to be roughly 1,670 words per day, which turns out to be manageable. There are some exceptionally prolific writers who produce four times that amount... but many just barely get over the hump.

Q: Do I have to publish my novel?
A: No. Some participants share their novels with other participants for critiquing. There are no requirements here.

Q: How do I sign up?
A: We recommend you go to [our Novel Quest substack|] and subscribe to stay informed about our programs.

Q: Who coordinates things for the Chicago Western Suburbs region?
A: We (Tim Yao, Sam McAdams, Jenny Johnson, and Jenn Bauer) are volunteer Quest Guides for this region of Novel Quest. We're here to organize the local events and help answer questions.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at mliaisons -AT-

Which Novel Writing Books are Recommended?

See Book_Recommendations

What other resources are there?

Glad you asked. We have a Useful_references_for_writers page where there are a lot of links collected!

What happened with NaNoWriMo?

See the Old NaNoWriMo FAQ.