NaperWriMo Wiki

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Welcome to the MediaWiki instance supporting the cities and suburbs west of Chicago). Feel free to look around and help edit pages on this wiki. See these instructions on MediaWiki markup and these help instructions. Visit our blog for the latest news and helpful articles or our NaNoWriMo regional forum. We also have a cafepress shop that helps offset our local expenses.

Important disclaimer: this website is managed by the West Suburban Writers, not NaNoWriMo.

What is NaperWriMo?

Originally created to be a local partner to NaNoWriMo that provided the international organization, structure and online forums but relied on local (regional) organizations for the face-to-face support and local events (preparatory events and write-ins) that really enrich the whole NaNoWriMo experience.

NaperWriMo regionally represents the cities and suburbs west of Chicago. Do visit our calendar of events (most events are October-December).

We're a fun group that even has our own regional songs, which have figured into our friendly wagers with other regions over total regional wordcount.

What is Novel Quest?

Novel Quest is a free, annual, motivational challenge to writers to complete their novel writing or editing goal (e.g., 50,000 words or 50 hours of editing or some combination of the two) during the thirty days in November. There are regional in-person, virtual, and hybrid events to help participants stay motivated while having fun in the process.

Our primary community for this Illinois Novel Quest is within the suburbs of Chicago; however, we host most events in hybrid fashion.

With our community, we offer participants: free preparatory workshops (both in person and via a free online stream) to better understand the craft of writing, a community to support and encourage writers working towards their goals, and dedicated writing time (offered in person by volunteers and on Zoom, YouTube, Twitch, and Discord!).

Novel Quest can be built your way, done at your pace, so that you can make it your personal quest to complete.

Novel Quest How-to Guides and Lists

Things Useful To Writers

These are links to online references useful to writers.

Local lists

Other lists, sites and articles

Illinois::Naperville Events and Resources

For the calendar and latest event information, see


2013 NaperWriMo

2012 NaperWriMo

2011 NaperWriMo

2010 NaperWriMo

Note: Illinois::Naperville has existed as a separate region since 2005; for more information, see Region history

Regional Discord Chatroom

Be sure to join our Discord-based NaperWriMo chat room