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COMPLETED: Win an owl through the 18K challenge (Nov 21-26)

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NewMexicoKid NewMexicoKid
TypesetJez TypesetJez
PBJ63010 PBJ63010
kjplonz42 kjplonz42
Kat's Meow Kat's Meow
Anobi Anobi
scrapacat scrapacat
NewMexicoKid NewMexicoKid
ziplizard ziplizard
Anobi Anobi
KatherineWriting KatherineWriting
CD0189 CD0189
WillowSanders WillowSanders
jen.e.moore jen.e.moore
tireddadx3 tireddadx3
IAmChristinaG IAmChristinaG
creativitycoach creativitycoach
TogetherAgain TogetherAgain
mochomito mochomito
fdahlman fdahlman
Jessielouwho Jessielouwho
tregina12000 tregina12000
NewMexicoKid NewMexicoKid
nowhereliz nowhereliz
Amy Warden Amy Warden
Jhopkins149 Jhopkins149
writertodd07 writertodd07
QueenCircles QueenCircles
Basil Cliffside Basil Cliffside
PBJ63010 PBJ63010
Spurfy Sora Spurfy Sora
NewMexicoKid NewMexicoKid
PBJ63010 PBJ63010
eleanor.roth eleanor.roth
NewMexicoKid NewMexicoKid
Anobi Anobi
NewMexicoKid NewMexicoKid
NewMexicoKid NewMexicoKid
tregina12000 tregina12000
Anobi Anobi
NewMexicoKid NewMexicoKid
mochomito mochomito

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