
I will get to X words by Sunday evening

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201228 words so far Winner!

Need a little motivation to keep writing when the lure of a post-meal nap beckons?

How about adding to this thread what you expect your word count to be by Sunday evening--and do the math so we know how many words that means you plan to write. And don't be all 'oh, I can't write as many as Katherine so I won't bother saying anything.' I'm giving my plans to make a public declaration of something that will probably be difficult, but by stating it I know I'm more likely to get it done.

I'm serving a pre-Thanksgiving meal tonight, going to Ohio for two days, and hanging around my non-writing family who I love to do non-writing things with.

But I'm also planning on being at 181,000 by Sunday evening. That's 23,000 words from where I am this morning (and I've already been writing for an hour.) Now, I'm not actually driving to/from Ohio (and will be writing during that time), and I usually wake up two hours before anyone else in my family and four-five hours before some members. And I should be able to write most of Sunday. It's still going to be a difficult to make 23K with everything that's going on, but that's my goal. (My overall goal is 201,000 and I'm hoping to finish by the 29th, so I need to focus for twenty-three hours (at least) through this weekend.

What's your goal?

Update: Track your progress on this chart
50091 words so far Winner!

My goal isn't as lofty and I have this excuse that includes constant family interruptions -- because I am playing catch up. I want to be at 42K before the weekend closes. That should be very doable.

Best wishes to everyone!

201228 words so far Winner! wrote:
I want to be at 42K before the weekend closes. That should be very doable.

Note: Steve was at 28,562 when he wrote this, so his goal is about 13,500 words.

I'm such a math-geek. My first thought was that the next person's goal should be 10K less than Steve's. (But don't let that stop you from posting whatever your goal is.)

Alura Embrey
54095 words so far Winner!

I work retail, so I'm about to enter into Hell Weekend. As such, my goal isn't too high. I'm at 50225 now and I'd like to be at 57k by Sunday night. So I need 6775 words. Thank goodness I don't have any plans on Thanksgiving since I saw my family last weekend, I'll probably do most of my writing that day.

55032 words so far Winner!

First off, I'd like to say, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" This is amazing! It's probably the only thing that will keep me on track.

So...I'm hoping for 40000 by Sunday night - and by posting this here, I am transforming that hope into a binding contract ;) So that's about 16000 words.

The real geniuses know where their writing has to be good and where they can get away with some mediocrity. - Dmitri Shostakovich

52188 words so far Winner!

My goal is 39k by Sunday night. A bit conservative, but still a bit more than 11k words from where I'm at right now.

Reader Dreamer
51475 words so far Winner!

My goal is 50,000 words by Sunday night. :D Not for the chance to validate five days before the 30th, but because I've got other things I'd like to be doing - like applying to transfer schools and playing the Sims 3 and...uh, studying for finals. So that's 2527 words a day. I can do this!

201228 words so far Winner!

Conceptually wrote:
First off, I'd like to say, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" This is amazing! It's probably the only thing that will keep me on track.

I was hoping other people would find this useful. Thanks for the enthusiastic response.
50091 words so far Winner!

KatherineWriting wrote: wrote:
I want to be at 42K before the weekend closes. That should be very doable.

Note: Steve was at 28,562 when he wrote this, so his goal is about 13,500 words.

I'm such a math-geek. My first thought was that the next person's goal should be 10K less than Steve's. (But don't let that stop you from posting whatever your goal is.)

LOL -- yesterday was a near 4000 word day and today has also been productive. I saw a 50K goal by someone in this thread. I am an optimist geek, not a math geek, so even that appeals to me.

70000 words so far Winner!

I have a 5K to run Thursday morning and lots of family time scheduled all weekend. My previous pace has been between 2,000 and 3,000 a day, but I don't think it's sustainable this weekend. How about if we say 7,200 by Sunday, which will bring me up to 57,000. That should break down to about 1000 a day, with maybe a couple of 2000 word days. That will be plenty ambitious enough for me.

50016 words so far Winner!

I just want to hit 42k. which I should be able to do it's only 8.5K but I was sick earlier in the week so I've fallen behind on my word count. here is hoping I catch back up.

Those who have forgotten how to dream and wish, wonder and believe have in part died, because the ability to do so leads us forward and without that we can do no great thing.

50738 words so far Winner!

My goal is 48K by Sunday evening. That's 9,000 words - I'm hosting Thanksgiving tomorrow, I work on Friday, I have guests until Saturday afternoon, but I should be able to make it.

50675 words so far Winner!

I'm currently at 32k. I'd like to stay on target and be at 42k by Sunday (25th). That's only 10k which is doable hoping that I do get free time during the holidays. As always, I hope to write much more than that since this is the first year I'm behind/on target. But, this weekend, I'll be working Black Friday (logistics trucks still move on Black Friday unfortunately) and my favorite person (sister) will be home until Sunday. Look at me, I've got excuses already ugh. So, I may need to write extra words next week but it's good to keep a goal. That's 2k a day. Definitely doable...if I figure out the next step in this story.

Again, thank you so much Naperville! I was struggling on page 5 with less than 3k words, ready to throw in the towel or start completely anew. You guys kicked me in the butt (while suggesting maybe I kill off my troublesome character--she's still alive btw. Her roommate has been murdered instead) to keep going. And as soon as I figure the last installment of the novel, I should be finishing it! Thanks!

50048 words so far Winner!

Ok, I'm hoping for 40,000. I know I am way behind, but I am at 21,192 right now. So yeah, roughly doubling what I've written so far! Yikes. I'm not hosting Thanksgiving, although we do have guests this year. But that also means help watching the kids!

61143 words so far Winner!

This is a wonderful post!

I'm currently at 50,060 words. My plans for Thanksgiving are Thanksgiving lunch on Thursday, Black Friday Shopping, and another meal on Saturday along with work :/

I'm planning to spend some, if not most of Friday typing. I believe I'm going to try and shoot for another 15,000 words!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

53153 words so far Winner!

I am planning on hitting 40,000 tonight and then hope to be at 47,000 by Sunday night. So that puts me at needing 8,172 words between now and then. Should be do-able depending on how much time I actually get to myself tomorrow.

39136 words so far

I hope to add 15,000 more words by Sunday night. I haven't posted my current number yet, think I'm somewhere around 10,500 or so. I was dragging my butt and then all of a sudden I changed directions and started writing freely, no block and worries. Even if I don't make it this year I will keep writing and then print it all out and start to edit and rewrite. As my daughter told me, It's more than I have written in years and this contest is a great motivator. Wish I hadn't been interrupted and dragged along so much, but I will finish this no matter what gets in my way. I'm having fun!

Happy Thanksgiving to everybody. You give me confidence.

64619 words so far Winner!

I have been targeting 2000 words a day all month wtih a goal of getting to 60K for the first time. Since I have been getting most of my writing done in the evening after the kids go to bed, I should be able to keep it up over Thanksgiving. Since it is 5 days I am going to shoot for 10,000 words and get to 52K by Sunday night (actually then my goal is 10,049).

Actually, I have recently come up with another goal. Last time I checked I was No. 21 on the regional word count chart. Last year year No. 20 was 59,018 words. So I have made it goal to get a top 20 finish this year. In the past I always peter out at the end once I hit 50K so I am hoping this goal will keep me moving all the way to the end of the month.

Bessie Spot
50052 words so far Winner!

I'll write 2000 words per day giving me a totl of 8000 by Sunday night.

51010 words so far Winner!

I want to hit 50k by the end of the weekend. I feel like if I don't 'win' by the end of the weekend, it will be a struggle for me since I haven't been doing well on the weekdays.

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