
if a scene seems to take too long

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201228 words so far Winner!

One thing that is easy to forget when we're halfway through November is that it takes longer to write a scene than it does to read it. That scene that you wonder why anyone would want to read? Readers may well zip through it, not aware of how long it took you to get it into words.

If you have some information that you fear may be boring, but think is needed, you can present it in a different format. Have two characters talk about it. Or have someone list questions in an email or letter to someone else. Or if you're writing from multiple points of view, try another character's POV for the scene that seems to be going too slow.

Get the words down. Don't worry about it being slow. It may not be to the reader. Or if it is, you can fix it later.

50039 words so far Winner!

Thanks for the great advice! :D

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