
You Know You're in the midst of Nano when ...

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201228 words so far Winner!

You quietly get dressed, being careful not to wake your partner, and go downstairs early in the morning to write... only to discover that your partner is downstairs typing away.

50564 words so far Winner!

Very funny! :-)

91896 words so far Winner!

When you have a problem at home, work, or school and wonder what would my MC do?

50302 words so far Winner!

When you start answering questions as your characters instead of yourself.

Reader Dreamer
51475 words so far Winner!

When you spend all day typing and then wonder where your day went.

52005 words so far Winner!

When you start telling your family, "Sorry, I can't mow the lawn. I'm supposed to be writing."

Figment: Twist, the dive-bombing leopard gecko

52188 words so far Winner!

When the need for sleep becomes your greatest enemy.

201228 words so far Winner!

After spending over ten hours at write-ins, you get up the next morning eager to write.

10698 words so far

You have no idea what to write, so you just sit down writing and the words immediately come to you.

52188 words so far Winner!

When you feel guilty for choosing to clean instead of choosing to write.

201228 words so far Winner!

cableshaft wrote:
When you feel guilty for choosing to clean instead of choosing to write.

As opposed to feeling guilty about not cleaning!

50059 words so far Winner!

The pizza place messes up your carryout order and you have to wait. You can't stop obsessing over how many words you could have written in those extra 30 minutes.

50230 words so far Winner!

You get annoyed for having to play witness for a Cub Scout/Boy Scout ceremony thing for a grand total of five minutes and tell your father he's going to owe you big time for losing you your precious writing time, then growl like your MC would when he just laughs. Seriously-my reaction: Just like Kila's. Epicness-well, my dad didn't stop laughing for a while....
Or when you start speaking like your MCs/in their language during Spanish........hey, I wasn't speaking English! So I technically wasn't breaking the rule......

51010 words so far Winner!

On Monday morning, you can't remember why you're not heading off to a coffee shop or library with your laptop. Yes, I'm still "recovering" from Saturday.

50039 words so far Winner!

When you can't quite figure out where to go next, so you talk to your dog about your "theories".

25636 words so far

You lie awake at night, partly because you need to work through your new Great Idea and partly because you've doubled your usual caffeine intake.

201228 words so far Winner!

you do anything you can to motivate yourself to write another 100 or 200 words right now!

201228 words so far Winner!

the barista at Caribou looks like Chris Baty to you.

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