
Wheaton write-ins on Sunday Evenings

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201228 words so far Winner!

The 'tasty trio' -- seasoned coffee-shop writers, ThePiratess, Squiddish and CableShaft are hosting weekly write-ins at:
Caribou in Wheaton (390 West Front Street, Wheaton)
from 5-10.

Join them if you can.

28000 words so far

We're bound to have a whale of a time!
(Or a squid of a time, all things considered. Just know that it'll be tasty and is likely to contain seafood.)

52005 words so far Winner!

And don't forget, all those who win a word war will get one of my hand-crafted, one of a kind* origami plot bunnies! I've got a whole army of them just looking for new homes.

(*May or may not actually be one of a kind.)

Figment: Twist, the dive-bombing leopard gecko

56476 words so far Winner!

First, they came with the speakers,
and I said nothing, for there was writing to be done.

Then they came with the microphone,
and I said nothing, for I knew I could tune them out.

Then they came with the hipsters,
and I said nothing, though I knew something terrible was going to happen.

Then they began,
and I said nothing, for no other sounds could be heard over the sound of awkwardly spoken slam poetry.

50564 words so far Winner!

Sapphire wrote:
First, they came with the speakers,
and I said nothing, for there was writing to be done.

Then they came with the microphone,
and I said nothing, for I knew I could tune them out.

Then they came with the hipsters,
and I said nothing, though I knew something terrible was going to happen.

Then they began,
and I said nothing, for no other sounds could be heard over the sound of awkwardly spoken slam poetry.

I was only there
For a moment, man
And just, you know, virtual
But ...


I'm glad I wasn't there in person, I would have been ROFL

28000 words so far

Don't worry, Tim. The rest of us were cracking up too... and we got a lot of dirty looks.

52005 words so far Winner!

Oh yes. Best Jabber tidbit of the night:

Squid: .. aha that guy over there gave me a diirtty loook
Becky: Oooh, which guy?
Becky: Dont' describe him as "glasses hipster guy"

Also: Snapping is the sound of a thousand souls dying.

Figment: Twist, the dive-bombing leopard gecko

201228 words so far Winner!

Well done, Becky. Very well done.

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