
NaNo Distractions.

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28000 words so far

The NaNo Musical.

Anyone else have fun distractions...?

Day one and already distracted...

12248 words so far

Um...Facebook and Bubble Witch Saga are doing a number on me, distraction-wise...not to mention family members, work, etc...LOL

59452 words so far Winner!

I'm my own distraction - i have a tendency to day dreams, and then before i know it - an hour has passed and i've been daydreaming about how good a story i'm going to tell, and nothing on my screen. oops. : (

91896 words so far Winner!

My family pretty much understands and gives me November. BUT I have a three year old granddaughter who thinks that every time I am home I am here to play with her. Since my wife babysits here at our place I may have to move my writing location to the Library for some sanity and writing time.

But then there is Facebook and the Naperwrimo Forums.


Guess most distractions are from within.

50564 words so far Winner!

My family pretty much understands and gives me November. BUT I have a three year old granddaughter who thinks that every time I am home I am here to play with her. Since my wife babysits here at our place I may have to move my writing location to the Library for some sanity and writing time.

I wish I had a three year old to play with :-/ (fond memories of my daughter when she was that age--Lego dog stories! Now all she seems to do is work on her schoolwork and prepare for college :-/)

52005 words so far Winner!

Is she writing this year, Tim?

Figment: Twist, the dive-bombing leopard gecko

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