
Car Trouble

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ThePiratess 9 months ago
52005 words so far Winner!

I'm having car issues, (my car won't start) so I may not make it to my scheduled Caribou write-in tomorrow morning in Wheaton. :( If anyone was interested in coming, just know that I may not be there. If I can't make it, I'll probably spend all morning in the Jabber chat, whining about my dang car in between furious word wars.

Figment: Twist, the dive-bombing leopard gecko

201228 words so far Winner!

Sorry to hear that. I changed the Google appointment to 'Maybe Wheaton write-in' and added a NOTE to the events page and the description. If anyone is still going, drop a line here and I'll change it back.

52005 words so far Winner!

Yep. No way will I be there. My car won't even crank. Anyone know anyone who can fix a starter cheap?

Figment: Twist, the dive-bombing leopard gecko

0 words so far

Bah you are a wee bairn Red.... Hike :)

TRRDEDEAN 9 months ago
91896 words so far Winner!

Car troubles are a bummer. Once my car stopped right at the merge of Farnsworth onto I88. I put my flashers on and people still honked at me to get out of the way!

Well good luck getting it fixed.

52005 words so far Winner!

My dad fixed it this morning. Yay! :D

Figment: Twist, the dive-bombing leopard gecko

50564 words so far Winner!

Carly, I gave your pirate parrot plot critter to Katherine (Squiddish) to give to you.

Glad you have your wheels back,

52005 words so far Winner!

Yaaaaaaay! :D And me too! It was awful, bumming rides!!

Figment: Twist, the dive-bombing leopard gecko

The Peddler of Dreams
125713 words so far Winner!

Yay! Glad to hear your car is up and running again! :D

I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions. ~James Michener

New Squiddish 9 months ago
28000 words so far

JADE! Are you coming tonight?

The Peddler of Dreams
125713 words so far Winner!

I will certainly try to be there!

I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions. ~James Michener

New Squiddish 9 months ago
28000 words so far

I'll bring my stick.

New ThePiratess 9 months ago
52005 words so far Winner!

JADE. YOU HAD BETTER BE THERE. (I'll give you a real plot bunny!)

Figment: Twist, the dive-bombing leopard gecko

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