
Teens in the Wheaton area?

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7794 words so far

Hey just wondering if any of you guys are teenagers. I'm 16, and not that I don't like all of you adults, but I want to know that I'm not the only teen from Wheaton doing Nanowrimo.

52005 words so far Winner!

Well, I haven't been a teenager for a few years now, but we would love to see you at our Sunday night write-ins at the Caribou on Front Street! (We're all nice, funny people, and I promise, we're not stinky!)

Figment: Twist, the dive-bombing leopard gecko

7794 words so far

Lol, I don't have anything against adults, I'm just super shy! And don't worry I'm coming to the write ins.....most likely. I hate making promises that I don't keep. I'm also dragging along two friends! I'm so excited for my first year. See you in a week!

28000 words so far

I'll be at the Sunday night write-ins and I am still a teen. ;D So you're in luck! (Though, in a three months I won't be able to say that anymore... but shh, for now, I'm a teenager and I'm shy and I'm here to be friends!)

7794 words so far

Lol, I can't wait to meet you all

52005 words so far Winner!

We can't wait to meet you, either! :D You should head out tonight if you're free! I'm here, and soon the big table will be cleared out, and I'll claim it for all of us! Muahahahaha!

Figment: Twist, the dive-bombing leopard gecko

7794 words so far

Srry couldn't come out tonight. I'm in all advanced classes so I'm trying to work ahead in preparation for November. I will be there in November though!

16232 words so far

Perfect! I'm a Wheaton teen! Message me sometime :)

7794 words so far

Yeah I will! :)

0 words so far

I guess Im not really a teen anymore, but im 20 soooo i can totally see where you're coming from haha.

7794 words so far

Lol :)

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