
RSVP for the Fantastic Kick-off Pot-Luck Lunch Party (updated 27 Oct)

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50564 words so far Winner!

This post last updated: 27 October 2012 (9:52 am)

Projected attendance: 28 definite + 25 possible = 28-53

Please RSVP in this thread. If you RSVP in our online form, I'll copy your answer here (but it may take a day or so to appear).

Where will the kick-off be?
It will be in the Naperville Municipal Center in the LUNCH ROOM (PLEASE note this late CHANGE from BC) that is in the lower level. Everyone bringing something is welcome to park in the underground garage; just turn to the right as soon as you go through the garage door--there is a long hallway.

What is the kick-off party?
This is our chance to unwind a bit, celebrate the upcoming start of National Novel Writing Month (we can officially begin writing after midnight on November 1st), meet and chat with our fellow writers and share some good food. It will be a pot-luck lunch party, so please plan to bring a dish to share.

What will we do? Do I have to RSVP?
We will have a couple ice-breaker games, eat lunch, do a brief Q&A on NaNo in case there are any questions, raffle off this year's NaNoWriMo poster (you must RSVP here and be present at the party to win), play games and have fun!

I don't know anyone who is coming... Will I still have fun?
Yes! The amazing thing about NaNoWriMo is that you can make connections with other people who like to write stories. When people who like to write get together, even if they have never met each other before, there is a palpable energy present. This is one of the strong motivators that exist within the framework of NaNoWriMo. You should definitely tap into it. We'll make it easy with ice-breakers; and everyone is super friendly.

Can I bring a guest?
Definitely! The more the merrier! Bring friends, family.

How about kids?
We've had young writers participate before; our events are all family-friendly, but your kids ideally should be interested in writing and mature enough to interact well with others.

Is this just for adults?
No: it's family-friendly. NaNoWriMo is officially for participants age 13+ and everyone is welcome to any of our events.

Stuffed Animals
We usually have them for our group picture, mainly so we can toss them in the air. So bring one if you'd like.

Should I bring a pen or pencil?
Yes! We will have some writing exercises...

Ideas on What to bring for Food (as of 10/22/12)

  • main course (always need lots of these) - have a few, can use more

  • Vegetable side dishes

  • raw vegetables & dip

  • fruit salads

  • green salads

  • pasta or rice side dishes - have this, but can use more

  • Rolls or bread

  • cheese & crackers - have this

  • desserts - usually have too many of these-- 4-6 people have already signed up for desserts

  • cold soft drinks in cans -

  • cold water in small bottles

  • plastic forks, knifes, spoons - have some left over from last year & someone is bringing forks

  • good sturdy full-sized paper plates

  • sturdy small plates (for desserts)

  • Napkins - don't need a huge pack, maybe something smaller and sturdier?

Who's definitely coming?
22+6 guests

  • NewMexicoKid: I will bring boiled jiaozi (Chinese dumplings) from Katy's Dumpling House: chicken+chive and shrimp+chive

  • KatherineWriting & FinBarrMcG & bookgrrl (as a guest) - A hot chicken & pasta main dish, baked beans, forks & silverware (leftover from last year)

  • wordrebel: I'll do my best to fill a gap closer to the date but I can bring some kind of baked good!

  • ethompson299: I don't think I'll be bringing guests. I'm not sure what's needed in terms in food, but I'm an excellent baker, so maybe cupcakes? I could also bake something savory if there's a lot of people bring sweets... This is my first time coming and I don't think I know anyone...treat me gently! Looking forward to taking Nanowrimo seriously this year. :)

  • autumn-leora: Sure, I'll contribute - though I think it's best if I see a list so I can contribute what we need instead of contributing to something we've already got.

  • k_tableriou: Veggie Pizza

  • Corrupted Flame: Bringing Sapphire. chips + homemade guacamole!

  • thePiratess: plastic utensils

  • catatone1: veggie tray

  • Qberty: "I'm going to try to bring my kids along in hopes that a) my daughter will participate in the Young Writer's program again this year, and b) maybe I can rope my son into participating as well. Not sure yet what I'll bring to contribute to the pot-luck."

  • jacob2010: "I think a side dish...crunchy ramen noodle salad"

  • cableshaft: Either some sort of pasta dish or cheese and crackers.

  • mochomito: cookies or cupcakes of some sort

  • teenwriter: I'll be coming with my brother! And we'll bring brownies!

  • midwestraised: paper plates, small plates, and napkins

  • RLShepherd: Deviled eggs

  • DJRM: drinks and drink cups

  • Suenor: will bring daughter + something from the list

  • Basil Cliffside: I'm 99% sure I'm coming. I'll probably bring something snacky, but I'll try to stay away from sweets--I'm sure we'll have plenty of desserts.

  • lowkeyoh: Cookies! Pizza Puffs! Maybe some other appatizer food

  • TRRDEDEAN: pop

  • Janine Orrico: Fruit

Who may be coming?
19+6 guests

  • Ramieluvs2read: vegetables of some from

  • Gaeliceyes: I'll be happy to bring an entree. I have several great recipes. I may also bring S'mores bars, if I feel like making them.

  • KSarch: Maybe

  • gwen writes:

  • dedaragan: Are we bringing kids to this shindig? If not, I'll just leave my daughter at home with her dad. Um... as for potluck lunch... can I get back to you on that? I'll come up with something tasty. UPDATE If I can get my friend's basil tomato tea sandwich recipe, I'll bring those. Otherwise, cucumber sandwiches. :)

    I may be bringing more people than previously suggested. My friend's daughter says she wants to try out NaNo again, this year, and, while I told her to join the group, I don't know whether she has yet or not. I also have another friend who is interested in NaNo, but she may be busy tomorrow. And my daughter and/or husband may be tagging along. :P

  • rogerlubeck:

  • Mary Jo: Maybe my son David and I are planning to attend the 10/6 session, so long as my husband doesn't have to work and will be home with our younger son.

  • k8ydid: Maybe I've never attended any events before and I hope to get to some this year.

  • egmorgan: Dessert

  • Tree @ Home: "Assuming that my work schedule is open for that day I would be more than happy to bring a tasty (easy to make) dessert known as Cherry Fluff. Very tasty!" Woo hoo! Another year of NaNoWriMo!!!

  • Kat_808:

  • domitius: I won't be bringing guests, but I will bring myself and a plate of crackers and cheese.

  • primafacie: pizza

  • The Peddler of Dreams: little tuna salad sandwiches or some type of dip or a salad. Oh, and maybe a guest too (one of them will not be stuffed).

  • prairie cat: This is my first time trying out for NaNoWriMo, so not sure how much socializing I should do. I've written commercially--reporting and PR, but nothing "literary", certainly no fiction, since college. A looooong time ago! I read ferociously, tho, as I'm sure y'all do. It's been my experience not "talking away" the work is my best way to work, but I' would like to attend the pot luck. Would bring a pasta salad. Thank you.

  • Contrius: "Signature Chili: CAUTION: The chili you are about to enjoy is hot and may cause children/small animals to spontaneously combust. Definitely not for the timid pallet. "

  • DreamHigher2010: Won't be there till 2 pm. Probably candy!

  • PersiaRose: pop (very very maybe)

  • J3n: a veggie platter or some crackers and cheese.

52005 words so far Winner!

One way or another, I will make it there! As of yet, I haven't a clue what I'll bring. (I'm so broke.) Maybe cookies of some kind?

Figment: Twist, the dive-bombing leopard gecko

50257 words so far Winner!

I was hoping to attend, but... That's the first weekend in almost two months that my husband will be here, so I'm going to be spending that time with him instead of all you fun people :-)

201228 words so far Winner!

RobinM wrote:
I was hoping to attend, but... That's the first weekend in almost two months that my husband will be here, so I'm going to be spending that time with him instead of all you fun people :-)

You can bring him, you know. Family is welcome to attend even if they aren't NaNoing.

50257 words so far Winner!

Well, I know I could, but he'd be miserable, therefore making me miserable, which means I really wouldn't enjoy it at all. Writing is very much not his thing (nor is reading) so he'd feel completely out of place.

52005 words so far Winner!

I will be there for sure, and I have decided that the sweets category is well covered, so I will bring some plastic utensils. How much of each do we usually go through?

Figment: Twist, the dive-bombing leopard gecko

64619 words so far Winner!

Unfortunately, I will not be able to make it to the Kickoff Party. My son is doing Robotics this year and we meet in Batavia every Saturday afternoon from 12-3:30. I won't be able to do any Saturday events but hopefully I can sneak out to one of the Sunday write-ins.

2104 words so far

I will be at kickoff no matter what. I hopefully will bring Swedish meatballs, but I reserve the right to change my mind.

201228 words so far Winner!

ThePiratess wrote:
I will be there for sure, and I have decided that the sweets category is well covered, so I will bring some plastic utensils. How much of each do we usually go through?

I just found the box of stuff from last year and we have enough leftover plastic utensils. (And some cups). We could use napkins--maybe smaller cocktail ones and some nicer regular sized (We never know what to do with a huge bag of leftover lightweight napkins.)
If you already got plastic utensils that's fine, then we won't need any for the TGIO. :)

28000 words so far


.... :c I'll be busy all day that day. DEAR ME, IT PAINS ME TO SAY IT.

Someone bring a squid and remember me fondly while you are party and enjoy your deliciously scrumptious pot-luck party! 3

Dine well, dear friends. Dine well.

59452 words so far Winner!

I will be there - I'm a first time NaNoWriMo - I'll bring cookies or cupcakes of some sort. Is there an email reminder on these things?

50564 words so far Winner!

mochomito wrote:
I will be there - I'm a first time NaNoWriMo - I'll bring cookies or cupcakes of some sort. Is there an email reminder on these things?

No automated one; but I will send out a reminder around Thursday to the region (and those who have enabled receiving region e-mails will get the note).

--Tim (love cookies and cupcakes :-) )

52359 words so far Winner!

I'll be coming with my brother! And we'll bring brownies!

2568 words so far

I will hopefully be there! This is my first time trying out the NaNo community :)
Would it be alright if I brought a couple pizzas?

53266 words so far Winner!

I'll be there & I'll try not to be late. It looks like you can use paper plates and small plates. I volunteer to bring these. Hmm, I'll bring napkins, also.

50016 words so far Winner!

I will be coming for sure and I'm bringing Deviled eggs.

Those who have forgotten how to dream and wish, wonder and believe have in part died, because the ability to do so leads us forward and without that we can do no great thing.

201228 words so far Winner!

primafacie wrote:
I will hopefully be there! This is my first time trying out the NaNo community :)
Would it be alright if I brought a couple pizzas?

One is fine. (You don't need a couple.)
Hope you make it.

201228 words so far Winner!

midwestraised wrote:
I'll be there & I'll try not to be late. It looks like you can use paper plates and small plates. I volunteer to bring these. Hmm, I'll bring napkins, also.

Hmm, if you're bringing the plates, it would be good if you're not tooo late. :)

50000 words so far Winner!

I will be there. Is anyone bringing drinks or drink cups yet?

50564 words so far Winner!

DJRM wrote:
I will be there. Is anyone bringing drinks or drink cups yet?

Thanks, Daniel! I believe you are the first to so volunteer. Can you bring both drinks and cups?


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