
Please RSVP for our October events!

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50564 words so far Winner!

To help people prepare for November, volunteers in the Naperville region of NaNoWriMo are partnering again with the Naperville Public Library to present three free workshops.

The first is Saturday, October 6th, 1-3 pm at the Nichols Library in Naperville. Led by Tim Yao, participants in this workshop will explore planning their novels to achieve greater emotional resonance with the readers.

The second workshop is Saturday, October 13th, 1-3 pm at the 95th Street Library in Naperville. Tom Ostler will lead participants through a fun deconstruction of the plot of a popular movie, focusing on character, character development, primary and secondary story arcs and the tension that drives the story to its conclusion. The second half of the session will look to apply what was just learned to develop a new, community inspired plot.

The third and final workshop is Saturday, October 20th, 1-3 pm at the Nichols Library. Roger Lubeck will help writers complete their preparation for NaNoWriMo through a self assessment that identifies important writing behaviors, habits, skills and tools that they will need.

All workshops are open to all interested participants.

There will be a fun-filled pot-luck lunch kick-off party Saturday, October 27th at the Naperville Municipal Center.

For more information on these and other local events or to contact the volunteer Municipal Liaisons (Tim Yao, Katherine Lato and David Dean), visit

Please RSVP with your plans to attend these events so we can have a good idea of how many people to expect.


33590 words so far

I am a maybe. Carol Gaus

Corrupted Flame
52565 words so far Winner!

I'm down for the 13th and the kick-off. I won't be able to make it to the other two due to scheduling conflicts. =/

(Sapphire will also be there.)

33590 words so far

Great workshop yesterday! I have to work the next 3 Saturdays so won't make any other prep events. Looking forward to writing with the group in November. Working on a Lombard location to hostess on a weekday when I'm off work. CJ

50564 words so far Winner!

Thanks for your kind feedback! Let us know what you arrange for Lombard write-ins and we'll add it to the calendar.

70000 words so far Winner!

I'm 99% certain I'll be there October 20, but right now the kickoff on the 27th is iffy. We have some company that weekend.

151179 words so far Winner!

I'll not be at anything but the kickoff. BOO. Just too many things to do, like stress over no plot. :(

Reader Dreamer
51475 words so far Winner!

I originally said I'd be able to make it to the next session this Saturday in the RSVP form, but won't be able to make it after all.

50564 words so far Winner!

You should definitely stop by the Adoption Society forum. They have a ton of plots and other story elements, free for the taking (and adopting) :-)


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