
Mixed Feelings?

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Eternal Light
62671 words so far Winner!

Overall, very excited. This is my first year, and I signed up for this with a vague idea in my head, and unsure if I would be able to keep focus for more than 3 days. Yes, i expected 3 days. To the astonishment of my friends, and myself, i somehow stayed focused the entire month. This has been quite a journey.

I am excited. In many ways I feel this was a huge success. Passed the 50K mark, and now the 60K mark. Wrote more than i ever expected. When i look back over all that I wrote I am amazed at the stuff that is in there. It's pretty exciting.

On the other hand, it is sad to realize that even though I'm at 60k words, there is only 1 day left and I'm nowhere near close to finished with my story. Boo. It seems like it'll be harder to continue without the collective invisible support of this webpage after the month is gone. And I cant really convince myself i won, since my story still has a ways to go.

Win? Lose? I don't know. Not sure how I'm gonna feel at the end of this. I just hope I can stay commited to this and finish once the month is over. :) :( :\

50564 words so far Winner!

You should consider joining the Journey, our free, year-round writing group (I say year-round, but it is mostly January-Julyish with a spike of activity around September and then a break for the NaNoWriMo activities that encompass Oct-November and the TGIO in December).

There are many Paths, including a few that focus on finishing and editing one's novels.

50627 words so far Winner!

I had a good feeling at the start of the month. Now yes I have never gotten more that 32k before. And That's a record for me.

But There's part of me that feels like all of my sacrifices I had done for the last month will be for nothing if I cannot claim that purple banner.

I got sick Nov 5-8 and didn't write because of a headache. If only i had those days back . . .

I was always kind of scared by my mother's obsession with the 'good scissors.' It implied that somewhere in the house lurked... the evil scissors.

201228 words so far Winner!

Archon_Huskie wrote:

I got sick Nov 5-8 and didn't write because of a headache. If only i had those days back . . .

It is possible to make 13K in a single day.
But, if you don't, why not try to get to 50K before the TGIO party--that way you'll have a motivation to keep writing every day and get the feeling of accomplishment. Life sometimes requires adjustments.

201228 words so far Winner!

Eternal Light wrote:

On the other hand, it is sad to realize that even though I'm at 60k words, there is only 1 day left and I'm nowhere near close to finished with my story. Boo. It seems like it'll be harder to continue without the collective invisible support of this webpage after the month is gone. And I cant really convince myself i won, since my story still has a ways to go.

Yes, join the Journey. But nothing happens there until January, and I sense that you want the excitement of NaNo to continue.

Well, you did win. But, how about you keep writing at least until the TGIO party and see if you can finish the first draft? You can even start a thread of people who want to do this. There are other people who have still have more story to write regardless of what number they are at. Some of them might even be in coffee shops working. If not, you can start that as well.

Eternal Light
62671 words so far Winner!

The Journey group sounds great. I will definitely look into that!!
Thanks for the idea of making a thread of those looking to continue! Even if everyone else ignores it, it will still help me stay focused!

51644 words so far Winner!

Eternal Light wrote:
The Journey group sounds great. I will definitely look into that!!
Thanks for the idea of making a thread of those looking to continue! Even if everyone else ignores it, it will still help me stay focused!

I still have about 2 chapters of story left, so I'll check in with you.

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