
The Final Push: Or How I Learned to Stop Editing and Write the Book

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56476 words so far Winner!

Hey all!

We're grinding down to the last couple of days. Some of us are still trying to get to the magical 50K mark, some of us are still going for that elusive 18k challenge, and others yet are just concentrating on working until we can write our "and they lived happily ever after, the end". No matter if it's one or all of the above, November 30th is almost upon us.

I know that personally, I've got a ways to go yet to meet my 18k challenge, and that I'm still fairly far off from my Happily Ever After (although not entirely happy, in my case). This is where Jabber Chat comes in! I will be setting up camp in Jabber Friday night. But don't let me be lonely! Do Word Wars make you productive beyond belief? We got 'em! Want to ramble a little and take a mental break from the toil of scrambling to write thousands of words in a single night? We're here for you! We got this, man. We got this good.

I'll probably be logging in just after 7:30 or so after getting off work and setting up camp at either a Caribou or at home. We (and I hope I'm not using the royal "we" here; that is where you come in) will be there!

50564 words so far Winner!

I will be writing Friday night for sure since I've had a ton of work work thus far this week. Thanks for rallying the troops, Becky. I'll see you online :-)


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