
Fun story to share about my novel

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54273 words so far Winner!

I was just typing my novel, carefully developing the relationship between my MC and her love interest, when suddenly, it hit me like a flying brick; I'm developing /two/ relationships! It somehow worked out that not only were my MC and her interest growing closer together, but so were their birds! I never inteded for the birds, which are my novel's very intelligent equivalent to horses, to develop a relationship. I only kept puting the two rooks together because it made a convenient excuse for my MC to continue to run into her love interest, but it hadn't initially occured to me to make the birds actually like each other. I think it's a pretty cool development, so I'm running with it!

Has anyone else discovered something fun and interesting about their characters?

50039 words so far Winner!

I kind of did something very similar to you.

My main character is a lead singer in a famous band, who's sister is living with him. He is my first POV character, and my second is his sister. She was suppose to be there just to tell parts of the story I could not have my MC tell. Well as I started writting, I noticed that her and the bassist in the band kept getting closer, and flirting (completely unintentional) and now I have two romances in my book. Now her and the bassist (who is also my MC's best friend) their romance acctually now will play a very active roll in my book, and have a significant impact on my MC and what is going on in his story.

Not only do I feel like this gives my novel depth, but also it gave me more to write about, and created another are of conflict for my MC which is very crutial to him developing from the selfish a-hole he is, the the person he becomes at the end of the book.

Yay for surprises!!!

Isn't it funny how sometimes you have zero control over what your characters do?

54273 words so far Winner!

They really do seem to develop a mind of their own, sometimes! Thanks for sharing!

91896 words so far Winner!

I have often found that my characters do things I hadn't planned. My wife asked me what books I like reading and I said "the ones I write because I can't wait to see what's going to happen."

For me this is the greatest fun of writing as my characters and stories come alive and go directions I'd not planned.

Grand fun isn't it!



52005 words so far Winner!

I just found out that my MC is such a coward that he'd rather chop off his finger and leave it for his companions than be present when they fight the big bad. (He's the one who released said big bad, so some part of him has to be physically present to destroy it.)

Figment: Twist, the dive-bombing leopard gecko

50039 words so far Winner!

You're welcome! Your story about your birds made me smile :D

91896 words so far Winner!

Interesting plot twist! Having your MC overcome his cowardice should capture the interest of you readers. I also think it fun to see how one's characters develop without conscious planning!

Have fun writing!



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